How awful. Incredibly disrespectful of the public and newly elected colleagues. Thank you for writing about this! I haven't seen this information and appreciate your work to keep us informed Dear Bubbie <3
Part II comes out tomorrow and really puts the focus on the outstanding public speakers. However, there were a lot of questions left unanswered - and I think we got to the bottom of it. Thank you for reading Dear Bubbie, Cathy. We ALL read and recommend The Detail.
What a load of horse hockey. Those reserved seats were for the regular board meeting, which was to begin at 6:00 pm. We were all standing in line by 4:45 for the swearing in ceremony which began at 5:00. Those reserved seats could’ve been occupied by those waiting in line for the swearing in ceremony. We would’ve all gladly vacated those reserved seats for the 6:00 pm meeting. When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.
A good leader really can't dip their toes into everything. I'm sure this was delegated to someone, who really screwed up badly. Heads should roll, however. Mistakes happen, but this was careless, thoughtless and exceedingly disrespectful.
It was like he took the olive branch that was extended to him and snapped it in two. He made the very profuse supporters look foolish. At the end, it all reflects back on him as a weak leader. Even his words at the end of the meeting were contradictory. Part II is in the works. Sigh.
How awful. Incredibly disrespectful of the public and newly elected colleagues. Thank you for writing about this! I haven't seen this information and appreciate your work to keep us informed Dear Bubbie <3
Part II comes out tomorrow and really puts the focus on the outstanding public speakers. However, there were a lot of questions left unanswered - and I think we got to the bottom of it. Thank you for reading Dear Bubbie, Cathy. We ALL read and recommend The Detail.
What a load of horse hockey. Those reserved seats were for the regular board meeting, which was to begin at 6:00 pm. We were all standing in line by 4:45 for the swearing in ceremony which began at 5:00. Those reserved seats could’ve been occupied by those waiting in line for the swearing in ceremony. We would’ve all gladly vacated those reserved seats for the 6:00 pm meeting. When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.
A good leader really can't dip their toes into everything. I'm sure this was delegated to someone, who really screwed up badly. Heads should roll, however. Mistakes happen, but this was careless, thoughtless and exceedingly disrespectful.
I have rarely been so disappointed. Unsurprisingly Enos showed us who he really is. As for Ziegler, how rude can you be?
It was like he took the olive branch that was extended to him and snapped it in two. He made the very profuse supporters look foolish. At the end, it all reflects back on him as a weak leader. Even his words at the end of the meeting were contradictory. Part II is in the works. Sigh.